Cat Toys

Because the kittens don't have enough toys, I knit a few more.

This is all J & S Shetland wool knit loosely on #6 needles.

I knit wedges in a circle, usually expanding 3 stitches at a time. This is a variation of the cat basket. K3, turn, k3, co3, turn, k6, turn, k9, co3, etc.



We weren't sure how colorblind cats might be so I made a few toys out of blue & yellow. These colors are very visible next to each other and I'm reasonably sure that the cats can see them.

Many of these toys have a plastic ball with a bell inside.

This is one of the plastic balls with a bell.

We put a few dried beans inside plastic spheres. This makes the ball rattle.

This is a 'bunny', somewhat like my Flying Spaghetti Monster.

In this case, neatness might have produced a more recognizable bunny.

This is after felting. For this toy, I made it all red with one yellow stripe.

These are some of the toys before being thrown into the laundry. Because they are going to be felted, neatness doesn't count.

The larger toys have one plastic ball inside surrounded by polyfill. This makes the toy audible and soft enough for a kitten's claws.