
This is my first foray into something like lace. I wouldn't call this actual lace. There are no yarn overs or fancy stitches. This is plain stockinette done on big needles. I think I used #13 or #15 needles for this. I did it to get some experience with mohair on big needles. I keep having this idea that I want to knit some good lace but I also have a suspicion that this might be a Really Bad Idea.

I started this shawl at the tip with 2 stitches. I kept increasing one stitch at each end on right side rows until it got wide enough. Then I decided it was done and I bound off. The main body of the shawl is in stockinette. I kept a four stitch border of garter stitch so the edges don't roll.

The shawl is actually 60 inches plus this so this thing is kinda big.

My hair is wet.